Until further notice the courts at Newry Tennis Club will be re-opening to paid up members only. Please remember these are unprecedented times and the health and safety of people is the most important factor in this situation and tennis is secondary. This is a highly infectious disease of which there is no current cure or vaccine. If you wish to play on the courts you must adhere to the following rules. If you do not then the committee will discuss appropriate action including possible expulsion from the club. Please note that if you do decide to play tennis at the club in the next few months, that it is at your own discretion and individual risk. If you are worried about your health or the implications then do not return to the courts. The club will not be liable as it is your own decision.
The club has created an online booking system solely for members and they must publish their arranged match including opponent at least three hours in advance of play. This is to ensure that the courts are not overcrowded during this time and also if the virus does occur we can trace who was on the courts at a certain time. The maximum allowable playing time is 2 hours. No member can block book throughout the week as everyone should get equal opportunity to play.
As stated above, only paid up members for 2020/21 can play. You must not have been out of the country in the last 14 days and you must not have had contact with anyone who has had Covid 19 in the last two weeks. You must also not be in a period of self-isolation and/or cocooning under the current Health Policy Rules.
A parent/guardian must accompany any players under 16 years.
The clubhouse is out of bounds and cannot be used during this situation.
Entrance is via Court 1 with a combination lock, code known for paid up members only. A hand sanitizer has been left at the entrance and must be used to spray the lock and handle and use on your hands.
Players must provide their own racquets and equipment.
Court chairs should not be used.
Only the players should be on the court.
Physical distancing should be observed throughout the period of play, particularly on change of ends and entering and exiting the court. Players should change ends at opposite sides of the net.
Players must refrain from handshakes and high fives.
Equipment such as towels, food, and drink must not be exchanged between players. Players should be encouraged to bring their own drinks and towels.
Players should avoid touching their face after handling balls, racquet, or other equipment.
Avoid touching court gates, fences, benches, etc. Allow others to leave before you enter the court - if you need to wait then do so away from the courts and clear of the gates. Ensure you leave the court before or at the end of your allotted time so that it is empty for the next players.
Players must bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer with them and keep it in their pocket or bag for use.
Players should use two sets of clearly marked tennis balls. These should be alternated for serving with each player only touching their individual tennis balls.
Players should use their racquet / foot to pick up balls and hit them to their opponent and should not use their hands to pick up the balls.
Players should remain apart from other players by at least 2 metres when taking a break.
If a ball from another court comes across, players should send it back with a kick or with a racquet.
A maximum of 15 people allowed on the site at any one time, therefore a maximum of three doubles matches on the courts permitted at any given time.
The rule of 15 people includes coaches and spectators. The booking system will monitor the number of people so please notify committee of your presence in advance of visiting the courts.
I appreciate your co operation with these necessary rules. I wish you all continued enjoyment of this great sport. These rules will be kept under review but are in place until further notice.
Newry Tennis Club Committee
23 October 2020